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Portrait Price List

 Sessions normally will be posted to a password protected, online gallery within 48 hours. These proofs are not retouched and will be online for 14 days.

Color correcting, cropping and other retouching needs will be done at the time of printing.

Session Fees

Studio Press Release Head-shots $95

Studio Session $125 -

Location Session $175 -

Dusk Session $225 -

Travel - Quote

Additional Groupings - $25


Larger sizes or quantities are available upon request.

2x3 Wallets - set of 8 - $35

4x6/5x7 - $55

8x10/8x12 - $95

11x14/10x14 - $170

13x18 - $195

16x20 - $250

16x24 - $290

20x24 - $395

20x30 - $495

Canvas Wrap

Canvas is wrapped all the way around, no need for framing if desired.

8x10/8x12 - $125

11x14/10x14 - $195

13x18 - $225

16x20 - $295

16x24 - $325

20x24 - $450

20x30 - $495

24x30 - $596

Digital Files

High resolution digital files will be uploaded to the studio’s Dropbox for download @ 240dpi

First high resolution digital file - $200

Up to 3 high resolution digital files - $300

Up to 5 high resolution digital files - $400

Up to 10 high resolution digital files - $600

Up to 20 high resolution digital files - $900

Up to 10 low resolution digital files - $75 *For social media only, not printable quality.


Retouching - 1/4 hr. @ $25

Note Cards - $42, 5x7 set of 12, folded with custom text and envelopes